Sunday, December 15, 2013

ROW80: On to the end . . .

Just a week and a half left in Round 4, and it's a Sunday morning roll out for this last bit of goal setting and accountability.

What was most challenging this week, other than real life? 

Writing a death scene. At least it was for an unlikable character. I didn't want him to die violently for that would smack of artificiality. This man wreaked violence from behind a desk. He never realized his self-interest hurt others, not even in his last moments.

Now the writing gurus suggest one more read through and not to rush to publish. I'm remembering my master's dissertation. I was so sick of rereading and editing that document, that I let the final proofreading go. Realistically, will one more read through strengthen Standing Stones? This time, I've crafted, beta-tested, revised, edited, and revised again, this whole process taking some 4 years. To me, the story sings complete, and Books 2 and 3 are ready for the coming year of writing. For the writing is what I love, bringing the story whole and complete.

2013 Goals for ROW80's last week and a half: 

WRITING: Let this final draft of Standing Stones rest for one week while I work on marketing/pre-launch activities. Then do a 1-2 day read through. Write that short story about Ruthie's quilt for some writing. Write the afterword, draw maps, begin conversion to Kindle and CreateSpace formats.Draft newsletter announcement.

MARKETING. Finalize the timeline and set date for launch.Update MailChimp.

COMMUNITY: Continue reading 10x ROW80 each week. Post in travel blog and writing blog.

OTHER: Read, exercise, cook, and sew. What else? Reduce clutter and cherish family and friends every day.

The above stairs led to our fourth-floor walk-up apartment on Blair Street in Edinburgh during our month-long stay there to research Standing Stones. You should have seen the postman race up these stairs to hand-deliver any mail. I'm thinking of Edinburgh because that's where the death scene took place, but in a rowed mansion in Edinburgh's New Town (still called that today), just off Charlotte Square, where once only the wealthy could enter.

May this last round of writing go well for you. 

Now I'm longing for a Scottish breakfast -- I nearly forgot how delicious they were, these substantial breakfasts with eggs, sausage, ham, fresh tomato, a sampling of hot-from-the-oven breads, and tea, plain or with milk. Can you tell I've checked in BEFORE breakfast? 

To read what other ROW80 writers have written, click HERE.


  1. Congrats on all of the work so far. I always hate that "one more read through". Especially by the point I'm just reading what I expect to be there and not necessarily what's on the page.
    Good luck with all of your upcoming goals!

    1. Thank you, Skye. Now that a few days have passed, I'm almost ready for that last read-through. Of course, there's that read-through when converting the files to Kindle format, etc., but that's not quite the same!

  2. Congrats on getting the book almost done.

    We were in Edinburgh on vacation many years ago and had a great time. We took a bus trip around town and it turns out the driver was a distant relative.

    1. Lovely story! Our taxi driver in the Orkneys told us Selkirk was so small that people knew what you were going to do -- before you did!

  3. I just tried to leave a comment, but it doesn't seem to have taken, So I will try one more time to wish you congrats and good luck.

    1. Thanks, Ruth. The way it's going just now, launch may be January, but that's OK. Your handprints are all over this one -- and I appreciate your comments so much.

  4. ah those wonderful breakfasts - we have them here in England as well - all the best with that last read through - I find that the hardest - it's the letting go bit I think:)


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