Sunday, January 12, 2014

ROW80 and Sunday writing goals . . .

I'm thinking about that spaghetti-western, "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" when a young Clint Eastwood narrowed his eyes as he pointed his gun at one of the bad guys. Laser focus and a fine metaphor for the coming week.

The good. I blasted through the process of making a video trailer for my forthcoming book, Standing Stones. The process of making a 45-second trailer took about 10 hours. I wrote up the process on my writing blog for those who want an inexpensive (free) way of making a book trailer, using PowerPoint, my photos, and youtube. I'd love to have some feedback on the trailer, if you are so inclined (see below).

I'm working on a Facebook author page and finished the banner! Wrote up my inspirational article (attempted some humor) for ROW80 and surpassed my goals of reading ROW80 posts, thoroughly enjoying what others are thinking about and achieving.

The bad. Too slow on making my reading goals. I'm about half-way through Steve McBride's The Good Lord Bird, entranced by the voice and history of Little Onion, the narrator, who speaks directly to the reader in a compelling dialect that begins to sing with its own poetry. A+ so far, but that book is going to be overdue.

And two slow on writing blog posts, though I did post twice this week.

I'm dragging behind on reviews. Does anyone else make a commitment to read an indie-published book, add it to the list, and find 10-15 books yet waiting to be read, let alone reviewed? And I'm dragging behind on research reading, maybe because . . .

The ugly. I still haven't written a single word on my own stories. I'm feeling a bit in limbo, waiting for the review copy of Standing Stones. I want to read the review copy as if I were a first-time reader -- and then read it as an editor. Paper mark-up and then publish.

For the coming week, my goals are simple:
  1. WRITE a short story, a poem, and one blog entry (minimum).
  2. READ 10 ROW80 posts and 3 books.
  3. RECRUIT beta readers for Years of Stone, set in 19th Century Australia.
  4. REVIEW at least 2 indie books, update GoodReads, and, most important,
  5. COMPLETE proof of Standing Stones.
Here's my video trailer for Standing Stones, 45 seconds. With music. Thank you for taking a look. NOTE: I've slowed the pacing as several readers suggested and welcome any comments.

You may also view this directly on Click here.

Check out what other ROW80 writers are doing this week here.

May your week go well. Bend, don't break!


  1. The trailer turned out super. I haven't delved into that arena yet. I'm afraid I'd get lost in it and never resurface! I tend to find such things far too engaging.

  2. Thank you, oh randommuse, for visiting and viewing that trailer. Perhaps this is why we tend to resist marketing in all its forms -- because it takes us away from writing! I did enjoy using pictures I took, though for the public domain image, it was a little difficult to find just the 'right' one. Now, back to writing!

  3. I may have sorted Google out so fingers crossed I can comment here! well done on trailer - they are fun but very time consuming to do:) TBR pile grows forever higher, too many books for time available - all the best with goals:)


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