Wednesday, June 1, 2016

ROW80 check-in: Weds hump day

How did Weds get here so fast? Temperature in the 80's today, first time. Lots of activity. Maybe too much? So, shorter is better. Still don't feel like cooking. Here's today's check-in to measure progress so far this week for A Round of Words in 80 Days:

WRITING: Since Sunday, wrote 2 out of 3 days. Missed the deadline of finishing Section 05 of Rivers of Stone (ROS) by May 31, BUT I'm working on the very last chapter and will send to beta readers this week. Blogging is coming right along with 3 posts last week, and 3 planned this week. Also wrote a little article for THE WRITING CLINIC, but not sure where it will wind up.

MARKETING: Still prepping for tomorrow and next week's presentation. Allen's REACHING got a review from Vietnam Veterans' Association (Yippee), and I happily got some feedback on first two chapters of ROS. Thank you, Roanne. More plans than progress but that's OK.

READING/REVIEWING: Still have one more beta to go before tomorrow -- before reading anyone else. As for the rest, I'll report on Sunday.

Summer! Make it a good week! Check out what other ROW80 writers are doing here. Why not jump in with a few goals? Every time I read what my WR80 colleagues are up to, I learn a few new strategies. Onward!

Mistaya Canyon, Banff (2015)
Last year's trip to Canada


  1. I have no idea how Wednesday got here so fast. I'm just happy I realized before it turned into Thursday.

  2. Progress is progress. Keep at it. Congrats on the review. That's exciting.


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