Friday, December 27, 2013

ROW80: Endings and Beginnings . . .

Here's to the end of Round 4 -- and a little over a week to celebrate and reflect on new goals for 2014.

WRITING. I'm knee-deep in technical talk, converting my Word files to CreateSpace for the paperback version of Standing Stones. So far, so good, though at times sliding my story into CreateSpace feels like trying to wear a girdle designed for a someone just a little smaller than me. Final review begins this week, with online launch in early January. That's pretty exciting. The face-to-face launch will have to be 4-6 weeks later to allow time for physical books to arrive.

I worked hard on my cover, put it through a few reader groups, and came up with a great cover, thanks to all that input, including comments from graphic design folks. But uploading "my cover" to CreateSpace (CS) proved to be a little past my skills. Since CS has rather strict layout formats (i.e., you can't move any of the text boxes and have limited selection of fonts), I am trying an online graphics design person for the first time through the highly recommended  I'll report back on this one.

BLOGGING/COMMUNITY. Mea culpa! Mea culpa! My ambition outstretches what I can actually achieve. But when I look at blog posts for the year, I'm ahead of last year in number of posts, though I still fall short of once a week on each blog. Ah, next year beckons. I appreciate so much the community of writers I've met on ROW80, Facebook writing groups, and Linked-In. And so 2014 looks like I'll be continuing to work on this category.

MARKETING. So much information, so many suggestions! But my Marketing Plan is finally taking shape, and I will continue to write about what I learn here.The latest challenge? To make a book trailer, design and order bookmarks, and request testimonials. Of these three, I hate asking people for favors. How about asking famous people for favors! Aargh!

More than all else, for ROW80, my goals for the first round of 2014 will be to keep all goals pared down to what I can actually achieve -- and work to balance writing with 'real' life. If I'm feeling really obsessive, there's always quilting to fall back on.

May 2014 be an especially good year for you. ROW80 writers, write on!

Beth's Sashiko Block (2013)

To see other ROW80 end-of-year posts, click here!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

ROW80: On to the end . . .

Just a week and a half left in Round 4, and it's a Sunday morning roll out for this last bit of goal setting and accountability.

What was most challenging this week, other than real life? 

Writing a death scene. At least it was for an unlikable character. I didn't want him to die violently for that would smack of artificiality. This man wreaked violence from behind a desk. He never realized his self-interest hurt others, not even in his last moments.

Now the writing gurus suggest one more read through and not to rush to publish. I'm remembering my master's dissertation. I was so sick of rereading and editing that document, that I let the final proofreading go. Realistically, will one more read through strengthen Standing Stones? This time, I've crafted, beta-tested, revised, edited, and revised again, this whole process taking some 4 years. To me, the story sings complete, and Books 2 and 3 are ready for the coming year of writing. For the writing is what I love, bringing the story whole and complete.

2013 Goals for ROW80's last week and a half: 

WRITING: Let this final draft of Standing Stones rest for one week while I work on marketing/pre-launch activities. Then do a 1-2 day read through. Write that short story about Ruthie's quilt for some writing. Write the afterword, draw maps, begin conversion to Kindle and CreateSpace formats.Draft newsletter announcement.

MARKETING. Finalize the timeline and set date for launch.Update MailChimp.

COMMUNITY: Continue reading 10x ROW80 each week. Post in travel blog and writing blog.

OTHER: Read, exercise, cook, and sew. What else? Reduce clutter and cherish family and friends every day.

The above stairs led to our fourth-floor walk-up apartment on Blair Street in Edinburgh during our month-long stay there to research Standing Stones. You should have seen the postman race up these stairs to hand-deliver any mail. I'm thinking of Edinburgh because that's where the death scene took place, but in a rowed mansion in Edinburgh's New Town (still called that today), just off Charlotte Square, where once only the wealthy could enter.

May this last round of writing go well for you. 

Now I'm longing for a Scottish breakfast -- I nearly forgot how delicious they were, these substantial breakfasts with eggs, sausage, ham, fresh tomato, a sampling of hot-from-the-oven breads, and tea, plain or with milk. Can you tell I've checked in BEFORE breakfast? 

To read what other ROW80 writers have written, click HERE.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just one thing . . .

Sometimes the holidays can get a little frenetic. So Rick Hanson's newsletter essay on imperfection lightened this week for me and lessened my guilty-face about not quite reaching this week's goals.

Rick talks about the anxiety we generate when we worry about our work/actions not being perfect and how to "let the broken cup be a broken cup." He doesn't tell us not to strive for professional standards, but he does encourage us to think more expansively, with less self-absorption, with less negativity.

And so I do what I can for those I love and will sweep aside the 'should'.

My Wednesday check-in for ROW80 is very simple. Yes, I have made some progress with writing and reading and preparing to publish, but my heart sings because my daughter came home from the hospital today in some pain but healing and really OK, my husband brought me coffee at 8 am (a true gift since it involved a drive and not a few steps to the kitchen), and my African violets continue to blossom -- despite cold, cold weather outside. Time now to draw. Tomorrow I'll write.

May your week be a good one.

Read Rick Hanson's essay:  "Just One Thing: Is Everything Perfect?"

76 China Screen 17thC
Chinese Screen, 17th Century (Camp 2004)
Prince Albert's Museum, London

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday morning check-in

Outside we have our first real dusting of snow with temperatures in the low teens (and below). What does it mean when my goals remain the same and progress is slow? That I missed the Weds check-in? That my very bones are cold? That our heating bill went up and I don't care anymore?

In working through revisions for Standing Stones (my top priority for December), beta reader and master of understatement Ruth Nestvold (blessings upon her head and pen) pointed out that my fight scenes might need a little something. As a white collar worker extraordinaire, my exposure to fighting tends to be a bit on the snarky side. So if you want to see what I learned (and the 'before' and 'after'), jump over to my writing blog. Still working on the 'after' but will post next week.

Easily distracted this week. Perhaps I'm still recovering from NaNoWriMo, but here's my update with goals unchanged for the coming week.

WRITING: Complete Standing Stones for publication by end of ROW80 December 26. This week: complete edits and fill last plot holes. Steady progress on editing (40% complete). Now working on fight scenes. Need to make sure sequence of major subcharacter's comings and goings is accurate. This one will take a few days (revise, let scene sit, revise again).

BLOGGING: Post 4 out of 7 days on writing, travel, and ROW80 blog. Include Weds WIPpet. Posted twice. No WIPpet, but did post scene on writing blog. GOAL for coming week: 3 posts.

COMMUNITY: Read 20x in ROW80, FB poetry group, WEDS WIPpet. Only read 8x, but dipped in ROW80 and poetry group. Skipped WIPpet entirely. Found truly wonderful writerly memes on Pinterest.

MARKETING: Identify 10 crucial steps for Standing Stones launch and implement 2-3.Got a nice running start to identify 6 pre-launch step and now have a list of 6 blogs that review historical fiction.

OTHER: Exercise 3x week. Quilt whenever possible. Be inspired by Sandy Brown Jensen and CREATE SOMETHING DAILY. Finish all projects to wind down volunteer job of public relations by Weds Dec 4. Celebrate my birthday (it's a decade-turning big one). Track all my reading (even Kindle). Reduce clutter around the house and online. Cherish each day! Exercise 3x! Got some quilting done. Carted 5 boxes off to the new president at our board meeting to give to the new public relations person. Her response, "Do I have to keep all this?" Committed to preparing for 2014 as much as I can by December 31, but it's a little tough when people don't respond to my e-mails. Need to switch to phone calls for the coming week. Can't say I'm being particularly creative, BUT I am writing again.

Draft quilt block (Camp 2013)
Tracking my reading is kind of fun. If I write what I like to read, oh, am I in trouble, for I balance serious reading and research with the most brainless stuff -- skip those x-rated pages, but still mindless froth, romantic escapism.  This coming week, two books are due by Weds. Nancy Marguerite Anderson's The Pathfinder (research) and Michener's Tales of the South Pacific (a faster, classic read). And the froth: Elise Sax, An Affair To Dismember. I must confess to laughing out loud -- twice.

The week ahead looks snowy and cold. That means more time for writing . . . research . . . and reading!  Maybe this coming week, we'll work on art journals and Pinterest? See Christy Houser's Art Journal  I have none to share. Yet.

May your own week go well.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday check-in ROW80: Turning a round

Sunday morning. Gray. Rain. Lots of rain. And finally, an end to NaNoWriMo.

I'm pleased to meet my rebel NaNo goal of 500 words a day on Rivers of Stone. Yahoo! 15,001 words added to this rough draft, bringing my total words for ROS up to 35,500. That does include plot holes.

But now it's the morning after, and I'm recognizing, truly, what I gave up to make progress on this rough, rough draft. Standing Stones will not be launched by my birthday (December 6).

As we enter the last round of the year for ROW80 and the last month, I'm refining my goals once again.

Here are my ROW80 goals for the coming week:

WRITING: Complete Standing Stones for publication by end of ROW80 December 26. This week: complete edits and fill last plot holes. Ongoing: Work on research and writing for Rivers of Stone. Begin read-through of Years of Stone for launch late January or early February.

BLOGGING: Post 4 out of 7 days on writing, travel, and ROW80 blog. Include Weds WIPpet.

COMMUNITY: Read 20x in ROW80, FB poetry group, WEDS WIPpet.

MARKETING: Identify 10 crucial steps for Standing Stones launch and implement 2-3.

OTHER: Exercise 3x week. Quilt whenever possible. Be inspired by Sandy Brown Jensen and CREATE SOMETHING DAILY. Finish all projects to wind down volunteer job of public relations by Weds Dec 4. Celebrate my birthday (it's a decade-turning big one). Track all my reading (even Kindle). Reduce clutter around the house and online. Cherish each day!

My writing inspiration for the week!