Here are my Round 4 goals with updates:
1. Writing: Complete revisions and write wrap-around materials for Rivers of Stone by year-end. No progress yet. Organizing for NaNoWriMo. Some progress. Write at least 30 poems by end of October. Only 11 poems for the month, so far, with 3 days left. Did transfer poems from journal to Word file.
2. Blogging: Post in Writing blog x1/week (posted 3 poems) and ROW80 blog x2/each week (posted only once -- unless today counts). Read other writers x6 (read x3).
3. Reading: Read 10 books a month. Review 1 book each month. Still reading Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna (490 pages & about 48% through), but I'm far from other reading and reviewing.4. Marketing: Work on release of Rivers of Stone before the end of 2017. Work on marketing 3 hours each week. Still unpacking and trying to catch up, so no real progress here. I am in the middle of talking to a local book store about a book signing (tied to release).
5. Other: Write 2 articles a month/Wrote 1. Prep for writing workshop early November. Continuing: SASP Publicity (wrote article on NaNoWriMo for the newsletter; proofed new Anthology -- SASP's first!).
6. Personal: Quilt, exercise, maintain healthy balance with family, volunteering, and all else. Resumed exercise (water aerobics). Went to the advanced class by accident and really got a workout. Did buy a box of Trader Joe cookies, but all else OK. Lots of veggies and brown rice. Am appalled this morning by CNN's report of water-spread disease in Puerto Rico.
So, to keep things simple, here are my focus goals for the coming week:
- WRITING: Write minimum 250 words a day. Keep writing poems through end of October. Proofread Rivers of Stone for e-pub.
- BLOGGING: Same as always: 1x/ROW80, 2x/Writing blog (Include post for Insecure Writer's Support Group).
- MARKETING: Work on my own marketing plan.
- READING: Continue with Kingsolver. Will be lucky to finish mid-November.
- SASP: Develop launch and marketing plan for our new Anthology.
This morning begins with dense fog, making me grateful for yesterday's trip with grandkids to Finch Arboretun for "Leaf Day." Finch staff piled up mounds of fall leaves for the kids to throw at each other and jump around on.