No, that was a shot in the arm! A 'new and improved' pneumonia shot led to red swelling from shoulder to elbow. I was the lucky one. DH got two shots in the same arm. But after 3 days, we're doing better. Well enough to resume (almost) normal activities. (Editors: Is that "almost resume" or "almost normal" . . . )
UPDATE FOR ROW80. This week's list of goals is short. With only 3 weeks to departure, I'm starting to sort, organized, and let go of some projects.
WRITING/EDITING: Edited 3/5 chapters of
Mothers Don't Die. No poetry this week yet. Read other ROW80 writers x4/6 (so far).
LAUNCH PARTY. IF the paperback copies of
Rivers of Stone get here in time, I will have some sort of launch party to celebrate here in Spokane.
MARKETING/CONTESTS/REVIEWS: The Kindle version will remain on sale at $0.99 through December 31. Just beginning to research contests but requested review
Rivers of Stone by My Book Cave. Set up GoodReads giveaway (paperback) to run December 19-31. Plan to submit
Mothers Don't Die (first 28 pages) to the Pacific Northwest Writers Assn by January 1. Gads, I hate asking for reviews but will persevere. Sent one more query.
Do you love granola but kind of stagger to a stop when you check the price? Try my happy Stovetop Granola for a less expensive and delicious option -- and you know exactly what's in the recipe because you put it there.
Read through the following informal recipe which takes about 15 minutes and give it a try. Adjust any ingredient to your taste. Experiment!
1. BROWN THE OATMEAL. Start with a big pan. Add 2-3 TBSP olive oil and 4-5 cups of old-fashioned oats. Brown over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring enough so the oatmeal doesn't stick and burn. Empty toasted oats onto a cookie sheet to cool while you carry on the next step.
2. PREPARE THE FLAVOR SAUCE. Melt one cube of butter (I know, that's a lot) into the pan. After it's fully melted, add about 1/2 cup of brown sugar. Stir until the brown sugar melts and bubbles. If you feel like it, add 1 teasp salt and/or 1 teasp vanilla.
3. ADD TOASTED OATMEAL TO FLAVOR SAUCE. For the next 5 minutes, stir often to prevent sticking and to mix ingredients fully. Toward the end of the 5 minutes, add 1 TBSP cinnamon, 2 handfuls of raisins (or a mix of your favorite dried fruit), and 2 handfuls of your favorite nuts (any combination of walnuts, almond flakes, and/or cashews). I add the fruit at the end of the cooking so they plump up a little. Now, turn that granola onto the cookie sheet to cool.
You can store the granola up to about 3 weeks, but it never lasts that long. I keep my granola in a glass cookie jar and like to sprinkle it on top of regularly cooked oatmeal.
You've just made your very own granola! Enjoy the end of 2017.
May you meet all your goals in 2018, write amazing stories, and cherish those you love.