Monday, October 5, 2015

ROW80: Round 4 Begins

Lately, I keep running into folks who ask me: "When will that next book be out?" or "Why are you here? [Insert your choice of grocery store, garage sale, or doctor's office]. You should be home writing!"

And so I should. As the last round of the year begins, the lessons I've learned are these: Celebrate any accomplishments, set new goals, accept imperfection, and keep writing! Participating in A Round of Words in 80 Days helps me focus on what is essential.

Looking back: Round 3 marked several major accomplishments.

My husband's Vietnam War novel, Reaching,  is now out there -- available on Amazon. All the work on editing, formatting, and proofing is done. The official release is set for Veteran's Day week, and I'm hoping to garner a few pre-release reviews. Interested? Please e-mail me.

Completing this project satisfies something that has felt unfinished for far too long. My husband's wonderful writing inspires me. Maybe the book will find an audience. I don't know. I can only start on the next phase: marketing. Link to Amazon HERE.

We successfully completed a research trip to Canada (3 weeks instead of 6 because of health issues) to support my current book, Rivers of Stone. I have a lovely mountain of research and notes to support finishing this wip, and equally lovely memories of Calgary, Edmonton, and Jasper/Banff.

Looking forward:  I want to keep this as simple and specific as possible.

Writing: Write 250 words a day, 5 days a week on Rivers of Stone. This may take the form of scenes, backstory, research notes, or editing.  Participate in WIPpet Wednesdays. Blog about research x2 week on writing blog. Write a poem a day (OK maybe even doggerel) through October with OctPoWriMo also on the writing blog. Work on memoir once a week.

Community/Marketing: Develop marketing plan for Allen's book. Continue occasional newsletter. Post on Facebook author page 1x week. Schedule visit to small groups to talk about writing/books x2. Participate in Spokane Authors monthly. Serve as sponsor for ROW80.

Other: Strive for that balance between work and play, body and spirit. Keep on quilting. Let go of what I cannot realistically achieve and cherish each day. May this be a good round for us all!

Found on Facebook. Just imagine how the writer feels!


  1. Hi Beth, I'm definitely keeping things simple this round as well. Here is to both of us achieving our goals!

  2. Those are great accomplishments and great goals. Good luck in the upcoming round!


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