Wednesday, October 28, 2015

ROW80 Weds check-in: Halloween???

Sometimes this twice weekly check-in comes along waaay too fast! But a busy weekend looms, starting tomorrow, so I'll check in now:

Writing since Sunday: Only 900 new words, but I'm grateful for each one with steady progress on writing, organizing, and research. And a new poem for OctPoWriMo on my blog. My inspirational article for ROW80, "From Writer's Block to Writing Productivity" is now up on the blog, a subject I keep chipping away at.  

Community/Marketing. Two giveaways in-the-works at GoodReads. Details will follow, once approved. I am determined to write one more review before next Thursday. A writing friend is considering NaNoWriMo, and I'm wavering. If I'm already behind in writing and commitments, how can I realistically participate? Anyone else on the fence?

Other: Tried a class in yoga, but that strained hamstring wasn't ready. Almost finished 5 blocks for a comfort quilt due tomorrow (just a little more buttonhole stitching on two blocks). Maybe tonight with my new favorite evening soap opera, Quantico.

Well, I'm hoping you enjoy Halloween as we ease to winter. 

If you are looking for a little inspiration . . . something new to feed those hordes, why not try Graveyard Taco Dip, from (her post in 2013) 

Or look at an array of spooky Halloween Treats posted by todayserveseverymom in 2014. Her bloody cake with a knife is chilling! 

May you have a great week. Write and celebrate your writing. Check out what others are doing at ROW80 and OctPoWriMo.


  1. If you do NaNo, I will be cheering you on. :-)

    1. I'm in NaNo. Jumped off the fence. Look me up as bluebethley if you like, and I can cheer YOU on!

  2. Are we buddies on NaNo? I think we are. We were...we should be...
    Find USNessie there.

    I love ROW80, but I decided long ago to only do one check-in per week. Mid-week works great for me!

    1. Lovely suggestion to check in only one a week. Sometimes that's all I can do as well. Thank you for letting me know your NaNo name. I think we're buddies now. Am I ready? Not quite yet!

  3. Beth, any words are good, as you say, so yay for new words! I read your RoW80 post and need to get over there to comment. I struggle with writer's block far too often these days.

    I am always on the fence about NaNo. I cannot commit to 50,000 words, and unfortunately, the emphasis (at least locally) is all about the numbers. I much prefer the support and discussion that I can find there, but rarely have the energy to search out. That said, I have written more than I can usually manage during the NaNos I've tried, so--there I am, on the fence!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Actually, comments here and a conversation with a writing friend who's doing NaNo for the first time convinced me to just dive in once again. For me, it's really about the writing and not about the number of words. Perhaps you'll join in?

  4. Your poem for morning was an inspiration for me today. Yesterday I read your pep talk about productivity and found it really helpful, like having a coach, thank you :)

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you found it helpful. I'm just coming away from several months of writers' block, so I'm grateful to have rediscovered my keyboard -- and to have learned from so many others. Write on!


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