Thursday, April 19, 2018

ROW80: Weds/Thurs Check-in

Arghh!  I missed yesterday's deadline again. Probably influenced by angst, the currently running free watchathon on Comcast (which is fun with DH but quite the distraction), and a sore foot. How can I sit down when I'm attending a grandkid's soccer game and she got a goal?

So the "quick" update of progress so far this week:

WRITING: Printed out the single-spaced 22-page working summary of The Seventh Tapestry and rearranged/edited scenes. Decided (finally) on gender of heroine/hero. Decided that 2 hours a day is too intense for working session just now. So resetting goal of 1 hour daily on writing (will be happy to do more). 

Keeping current with daily posts for April's A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. Today's post, Q is for quandary was very helpful because I confronted whether I should continue to write.

MARKETING: Took the plunge and ordered 45 books (over $300) to prep for readings and launch party. Being an indie writer takes courage! 

Uploaded the audio sample for Standing Stones's audiobook to a new account on SoundCloud. Want to post my audiobook for Standing Stones to GoodReads' audiobook group, but got sidetracked when I checked reviews on GoodReads. Goodness! What a resource. I had so many comments to read. Some readers were happy, and some gave very pointed feedback on ways to improve my storytelling. As my mother would say, "Oofta!" STILL PENDING: Add link to Goodreads for audiobook. And draft that Newsletter before month end (which means plan launch party theme and decide on treats).

COMMUNITY: My writing group will meet again this coming week (2 other writers). We may only meet 2x/month, but this is good news. REVIEWS: Have two books to read (#1 = 40% complete and #2 = 0%) and review by end of April, plus a beta read (10% complete). Doesn't sound like much but my TBR pile is threatening to spill over. BEFORE SUNDAY: Reading and commenting on others' posts? Aaargh! I'm falling off a cliff.

DECLUTTERING: Got my e-mail inbox down to 40 from over 300 to find it back up to 92 this morning, so I'm rigorously unsubscribing to e-mails that I don't really read or need.

And that's the update for today. There's more, but I want to get to work on the writing. Have a great rest of this week. Saw hyacinths yesterday on our walk. Check in either at the website for A Round of Words in 80 Days or on Facebook. See you there!

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