Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Row80 Weds: Swimming as fast as I can

Here's today's hectic (yet concise) update:

Round 2 goals: Week 1 Weds check-in. NOTE: Moved goals marked 'maybe' off current list.
Purple = Progress! Green = Making some progress. Red = Nada! 

1. WRITE. The Seventh Tapestry: Complete plotting, character sketches, and begin drafting scenes. Ongoing research. Mothers Don’t Die: Finish revisions. Publish 2018. UPDATE: No progress. Nothing to share for Wednesday's WIPpet.

2. BLOG. Revamp and post weekly on Writing blog. Post 2x/weekly for ROW80. UPDATE: Joined A-Z Blogging Challenge for April. On track with 4/4 posts on Writing Blog. Latest: "D is for Drafting 3x5." Read/commented on posts x6. On track for 2x posts/week for ROW80.

3. COMMUNITY & READING. Connect with readers by sending newsletter monthly. Participate actively in ROW80, Insecure Writers Support Group, GoodReads, A-Z April Blogging Challenge, The Internet Writing Workshop. Read x6 books/month. Review x2/month. Declutter email.
UPDATE: Too busy this week to be sure exactly, but staying steady with ROW80 and A-Z April Blogging Challenge. Did revamp my reading list to more easily track progress. Need to post IWSG tonight/tomorrow. Have read x2 books. No reviews yet. Sadly, that e-mail inbox has climbed to 300 again.

4. MARKET. Continue learning and applying new skills, including social media. Learn Instagram. Refine overall marketing plan. Time price break incentives. Identify 2-3 action steps for each month: presentations, readings, ads, launch party, media kit, blog hop, recruit reviewers/reviews. Maybe: Learn how to podcast. UPDATE: Presentation on Audiobooks tomorrow. No progress on any other marketing this week.

5. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Improve writing productivity through daily writing on Keep current with writing magazines. Read one writing skills book/month. Currently having lots of fun with James Scott Bell's Just Write (ideas + exercises). Learn how to talk back to my muse (encourage her to think more positively). UPDATE: So far 1500/2500 new words for 750words this week. On Bell's Chapter 2 and absolutely loving the exercises and energy for drafting/planning/writing my current wip.

My Patchy Comfort Quilt (April 2018)
6. OTHER. Facilitated planning meeting for writers' group (pretty stressful and ++ on time spent prepping, but the meeting went well). Finished comfort quilt top and turned in. Babysitting tonight. Taxes now done for 2017. Took good care of foot (fallen arch, bruised, many pairs of new shoes). Resumed swimming.

AN ENDING COMMENT: This weekend we leave for roughly 2 weeks in Portland to reconnect with friends after a death in the family. Maybe we'll listen to some samba music and reminisce. Maybe we'll be of help.

So why do I feel optimistic about the coming week as we go on the road? My laptop is charged up and ready to go. Bell's Just Write and my owl quilt are coming along. This coming Sunday's check-in to ROW80 might be very, very short. But I'm thinking of you all and hoping all of us reach some of our goals this coming week.

Check in either at the website for A Round of Words in 80 Days or on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely quilt! I hope the weekend goes well.

    You did make progress in only a couple of days, so well done!


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