Saturday, March 31, 2018

ROW80 Goals for Round 2!

Last day of March. How did this happen so quickly? Is the snow really, really gone?

This weekend's challenge is to post goals for Round Two of A Round of Words in 80 Days, an online writing community that inspires writers to set goals and measure progress -- all while recognizing we have a real life. 

I keep trying to simplify my goals and how to measure and report progress, while actually working to achieve them. Most of the time, I feel pretty good about my writing, though being a somewhat slow writer means that I measure my progress in baby steps. And that some goals kind of simmer. This year, for the very first time, I met with writing friends to set annual goals, kind of the 'big picture'. 

These 'big picture' goals are translated into monthly goals and kept in a Daily Work file where I do report in a diary entry what's been accomplished. So, my goals for ROW80's Round 2 and the new month of April are to:

1. WRITE. The Seventh Tapestry: Complete plotting, character sketches, and begin drafting scenes. Ongoing research. Mothers Don’t Die: Finish revisions. Publish 2018. Maybe: Create boxed set w/new cover for Stones trilogy. Maybe: Work on family history (scan photos, write notes).

2. BLOG. Revamp and post weekly on Writing blog. Post 2x/weekly for ROW80.

3. COMMUNITY & READING. Connect with readers by sending newsletter monthly. Participate actively in ROW80, Insecure Writers Support Group, GoodReads, A-Z April Blogging Challenge, The Internet Writing Workshop. Read x6 books/month. Review x2/month.

4. MARKET. Continue learning and applying new skills, including social media. Learn Instagram. Refine overall marketing plan. Time price break incentives. Identify 2-3 action steps for each month: presentations, readings, ads, launch party, media kit, blog hop, recruit reviewers/reviews. Maybe: Learn how to podcast.

5. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Improve writing productivity through daily writing on Keep current with writing magazines. Read one writing skills book/month. Currently having lots of fun with James Scott Bell's Just Write (ideas + exercises). Learn how to talk back to my muse (encourage her to think more positively).

May you have a productive and joyous Round 2. Go visit other ROW80 writers to find out their goals for the coming round, either on our FACEBOOK group or our WEBSITE. Thank you, Eden Mabee and Shan Jeniah! And why not jump right in, if you are just thinking about ROW80.


  1. Good luck with round 2 Beth! I'm looking forward to reading about your progress.

  2. Good luck with your goals for this round, Beth.

    1. Thanks, Fallon. I might well need bushels of luck! Especially to report 2x a week!

  3. Always a delight to see you and your lovely set of goals, Beth! May your round be joyous and productive!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sending me a virtual hug!

  4. A wonderful set of goals! I'm finding that a slow and steady approach works better for me as a writer, too. It's taken me a few years, but I've found that I like to let my stories simmer, and I can't do that if I'm flying through drafts. Good luck, Beth!

    1. Thank you, Denise, for reminding me to trust the process. Sometimes we don't really know what works in the beginning of a story. It would be wonderful to write a little faster, but that's not always 'better'. :)

  5. As usual, your goals are organized and concise. I'm sure you will power through them all. I must admit, though, after your opening paragraph I almost didn't have the willpower to read the rest of your post. Not only is our snow not gone, we got 9 inches over the weekend, 3 or 4 last night and it is snowing again. Argh! It makes my muse just want to go back to bed.

    1. Good morning, Chris. I really sympathize about that snow, and it's a heartfelt sympathy as this morning, I'm up at 4am (probably regular time for nurses). The grandkids played with my alarm clock, and I forgot to doublecheck the settings! Maybe that snow will melt by tax day????

    2. I'm leaving on April 26 for a week in Kenya, so I'm just keeping my eyes on that date and not on all the snow!


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