Sunday, March 11, 2018

ROW80: Sunday, Sunday

The snow is melting. The sun is out! No grouching today.

PROGRESS ON GOALS FOR THIS WEEK. OK, slow progress this week. Done! Making some progress. Not even a little. I can't really rate my progress because it's been busy, progress is being made in several very different categories. So it looks like a 'green' week!

1.     WRITING: Used Snowflake and to add only 1,125, under goal of  2,500 words. Allen is giving me detailed crit on my plot summary for The Seventh Tapestry. Did not participate in Weds WIPpet's snippet. Worked on research for TAPESTRY with 2 sessions at the library (research) and 2 online. Looking at art crimes, museum scandals, and various other notorious crimes, including a study about why people get mired down in white collar crime (a psychological study).

2. BLOGGING/E-MAIL: Blog 1x Writing blog, 2x ROW80. Read others x4 (under goal of 8). Posted on my writing blog a monthly post for Insecure Writer's Support Group. This month's question was 'How do we celebrate when we complete a writing goal?' Making slow progress in de-cluttering e-mails (if I don't do this every day, they replicate).

3. MARKETING: Worked on Marketing PLAN x3 sessions, but the real sink hole this week was working on formatting for CreateSpace. I literally dropped hours on this Weds/Thurs/Fri (3-4 hours each session), until an writer/editor friend reviewed my code. Hallelujah, brothers and sisters! After Sue's work, the file passed the first hurdle (CreateSpace's dreaded interior reviewer) and will be reviewed next by a 'human' reviewer at CS. So it's hard to make progress on marketing without review copies to send out, but I did discover KBoards' resources and am still working that action list. Really enjoyed participating with 3 other writers at a local reading on Thursday this week -- and sold books! I tend to forget that face-to-face can be fun.

OTHER: Two quilting sessions. Almost done with the binding on one of my favorite comfort quilts. Getting back into the rhythm of exercise (walking, water aerobics), though my foot is still tender. Cooking. Cleaning. Did I say that our little apartment was torn down and put back together when our maintenance people replaced the kitchen, entry, and laundry flooring. Hooray (after 6 years)! And one last grand achievement: got the car in for maintenance. Spring is on the way. Maybe this year, I'll figure out to do with this orphan block!

Have a great writing and reading week. Why not join in and check out what other ROW80 writers are up to, either on the FACEBOOK group or our WEBSITE.


  1. Sounds like you had a reasonable week. Forward progress, no matter how much or how little, is always a good thing.
    Best wishes with continued success!

  2. Everything is green so that's good, even if you think it's slow.

  3. It's always heartening to hear how you leap the many hurdles toward publication, Beth. Cheers to you!


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