Sunday, May 26, 2013

Simplify . . . Simplify!

Sunday morning. It's been a good week, with optimism outranking those moments of doubt all writers have. Planning ahead for next week, my goals will be simple:

1. Continue final edits for Years of Stone. Add a page to my writing blog just for YOS.
2. Implement 2 action steps from Marketing Plan (the first being to print it out!).
3. Participate in social media (Linked-In, Twitter, FB), and, of course, ROW80.
4. Write a review on For the Love of Ireland and draft interview of Judy Leslie.
5. Draft presentation on Africa trip and send to Betty.
6. Quilt, have fun, lay in the sun, and cook my little heart out!

Thanks to Karen Woodward, I found the very best marketing advice of the week in the middle of Russell Blake's "26 Tips on How to Sell A Lot of Books". He suggests, "Write 75%. Market 25%." Just this simple equation takes away lots of stress.

And a shout-out goes to Arlene Radasky for The Fox, my next read (and hopefully, author interview).

And that's all, folks. May your writing week go well.


  1. they may come under simlify but that's quite a list of do's:) lying in the sun sounds good to me:) - all the best for this coming week:)

  2. No sun here . . . but thank you, Alberta. I hope your writing week goes well!


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