Sunday, April 27, 2014

ROW80 Sunday Check-in: Book Club Anyone?

I was the featured guest at a local book group -- my first! Wow! Was that unexpectedly fun. These 11 ladies had read Standing Stones and loved it. 

What I learned. Preparing to lead a book club discussion is a little like teaching. Much of what transpires depends on who is there and if they've read the book. 

Before the reading: I reread the book, identified possible scenes to read (if the group stopped wanting to talk about the book), and prepared a synopsis, discussion questions -- about the story line, the characters, and some Scottish proverbs, included my e-mail and a copy of the book cover. These handouts were ready to go, but we didn't really use them. Most useful resource online? The Book Club Resources at

During the reading: We jumped right in with that age-old question, is this story plot-driven or character-driven. Then the ladies got into arguments over the characters! That was fun. I was fascinated by what they thought would happen next to the characters. They outlined plots for the next 5 books! If only. They wanted to know how I got started writing, my writing process, how I came up with ideas for stories, and how I balanced between historical accuracy and storytelling (several minor characters actually did live during the time). I left feeling very appreciated, and they want the next book out now!

Next week's book club visit may be a bit more challenging as this group has already asked, "What if we don't like your book?" Hehehehe. I just replied, "Not to worry. I'm a writer. I'm used to criticism."

Other highlights from last week: Good progress at the F2F writing group. Less progress on the writing, though excellent crits came in from my beta reader, Misha Herwin, a writer based in England. Re blogging, so far, I'm posting poems for the AtoZ Blogging Challenge and hope to complete X-Y-Z. 

One day this week, the writing blog will pass 50,000 hits. That seems amazing. What could I do to say thank you? 

We'll be on the road in Oregon all week, so I'm less sure about internet connectivity. But I'm hoping for some real down time. Pared down goals:

--Continue editing Years of Stone. 4 out of 7 days.
--Post on writing blog 3x, travel blog 1x, ROW80 2x and read 10. --Read and review at least one indie writer this week.
--For WSQ: Send article (deadline May 1) on Applique Society.

Check in on what other ROW80 writers are doing this week HERE.

Reaction at this week's Book Club Reading!
Source: Facebook


  1. Glad to hear it went so well. :)

  2. Congratulations on the book club - sounds like your talk went exceptionally well!

  3. Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! I was in a book club for years and it was a wonderful experience, but we never hosted an author. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'd love to do that someday myself.

    Best wishes with your goals this week! Have a terrific round, Beth!

  4. So glad to hear your book club visit went well. Congrats. It must be a great feeling to hear that readers enjoyed your work--especially when they form such strong opinions about your characters. That's the very definition of writing success to me. Surpassing the 50K visits mark on your website is also a big deal. Congrats on that front as well!

    Have a great week!

  5. That's wonderful, Beth, congrats!


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