Sunday, March 1, 2015

ROW80 Sunday check-in: Home at last!

After 7-1/2 hours on the plane, we're home and adjusting to two hours later (or is it earlier?).  My poor body can't tell. But the internet works really well. I just have to transfer all my files, update those pictures, and wallow in the joy of my own kitchen -- and sewing machine -- and computer. Sheer pleasures here. The week ahead looks good!

--Revise Section 02 on Rivers of Stone. Editing Chapter 3 (Sec 02) and revising Chap 4 (Sec 01) based on crits from NOVELS-L. Still working a minimum of 1 hour a day on revision.
--Read Elizabeth Lyon's Manuscript Makeover. Still mid-way through Chap 5 on story structure. Wanting more on character.

--Blog 3x week. 3/3 this week so far.  Travel blog: Nearly the l
ast day in Galveston on Bolivar Island (saw a roseate spoonbill).
--Read others' posts x6 weekly. Done.
--Participated in WIPpet Weds weekly. Done.
--Crit drafts by other writers 1x weekly. 1/1 done.

--Social media: Twitter x3. \

--Post reviews for other indie writers: Posted a review of John Donohue's Sensei, an interesting airplane read about martial arts with a serial killer mix.

--Draft marketing plan w/action steps by month. Still in progress.
--Evaluate possible ads: Collected background on 3 out of 5. Pending. BookBub ripple sales continue for Standing Stones (after over a month).

--New goal: Read one book/article on marketing. Yes! Currently reading Norm Schriever's The Book Marketing Bible  (which I've had since 2014). I really like his open, easy style and very practical suggestions on rethinking marketing. Not a "you must do this" but more a "rethink your approach" and learn as you go.

Finch Arboretum (2014)

Now the best lesson I've learned from Norm Schriever is to write blog posts about ONE idea, one major point. Instead of being intimidated about creating that perfect post, write just one thing. Alas!  I wander. My fingers type too fast. The post is too long. But I shall persevere.

May you have a wonderful week, ROW80 writers.

Read what others have written HERE.


  1. Sounds like it was a busy holiday, yet you've accomplished a lot. All the best in the week ahead.

  2. Welcome home! I miss my computer and sewing machine too when I'm away, but most of all, my own bed! Hope you get over the jet lag soon.

  3. Welcome back to comfort and home.


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