Thursday, May 7, 2015

Weds Check-in: Oh, the list . . .

It's late. The printer is out of paper, and I'm nearly out of steam! My progress this week so far: 

--Wrote 750 words a day on research or writing. 6 out of 6 days. 
--Revamping overall story outline to emphasize character arcs and satisfactory resolution. Still dithering over happy vs sad ending.
--Done: Gather info on marketing w/writers' group.
--Finished reading two books, Revolutionary (Alex Myers) and The Tenderness of Wolves (Stef Penney). Currently reading Sinful Folk (Ned Hayes). Strangely enough, all three involve a main female character disguised as a man.
--Still to do: Post in writing and travel blog by Sunday.

--F2F writing group met tonight for the last time before fall.
--Finished one charity quilt, almost completed binding on twin bed quilt (frogs and bright colors). Experimenting with Bonnie Hunter's strip quilting.
--Walked 5 out of 6 days, three strenuous hikes in Dishman Hills Park near Spokane Valley (lots of uphill), and another hike today along the Spokane River.

Along the Dishman Hills' Pine Cliff Trail (Camp 2015)
 May the rest of this week be a good one for all ROW80 writers. Check out our progress HERE.


  1. That's great progress, Beth, congrats!

    I'm a sucker for sad endings, but from my reviews I can tell you, most readers want happy. :)

  2. Sounds like you're making great progress on your goals. I'm a romance writer, so I usually vote for the happy ending, although I can be really moved by a sad or bittersweet ending. Ultimately I'd say listen to the story and see where it wants to go. :)

    I love hiking. There are some beautiful hiking trails here in my part of Virginia. I tend to go to the same places over and over, but this year I might try a few new ones.

    Happy writing, Beth!

  3. Sounds like a great week! Hiking is always fun and interesting.


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