Sunday, February 21, 2016

ROW80 check-in: A day for the birds -- Pelicans

Our last company leaves in just a few days, leaving us a week more to loll on the patio by the palm trees. This morning, a Great Blue Heron circled over the canal, checking out the little mystery fish that jump out of the water. Today, we went on another bird tour, and I spotted a bright yellow Eastern Meadowlark. The highlight, a flock of white pelicans waiting for the fishermen to clean their fish.

ROW80 Goals for the week with update:

1. Edit Rivers of Stone. Steadily working on Section 04, 7 out of 7 days. This section has 20 chapters. Completed Chapters 1-5 this week. Goal: Complete 1 more chapter by next Sunday. Progress is deceptive for revising sometimes means taking out as much as I put in, but as long as this writing goes well, the rest is a side dish.

2. Other Writing: Maybe jot notes/scenes for memoir or stories for The Mermaid Quilt, or other articles. Not worried about this goal because editing Rivers of Stone is priority one!

3. Reading: Now reading Gabriel Stone's Chorus of Swans, intriguing science fiction. Also enjoying my late night reading of 30 Pieces of Silver, a historical thriller by Carolyn McCray. Goal: Write a review for an indie author.

4. Marketing: BookBub announced a new Author Profile service so I updated my bio and added a photo and my books. When my next book, Rivers of Stone, is finished, they'll send an alert to my followers -- currently 108. Tweeted a friend's book, David McChesney's Stone Island series; he writes interesting military historical fiction. Before Sunday: Complete two marketing steps.

5. Poetry: Read Poetry Foundation page daily and write in the style of or inspired by prompt from Poets on the Page.

6. Online community: Read what other writers are doing online and jump in.  Goal x10 for coming week.

7. Declutter. E-mails under 50 once again! Can't work on other decluttering since we're not home. Oh, darn.

Make it a good week and visit those ROW80 writers over HERE. Thanks to Kait Nolan for coordinating this lively online writing group that really knows we writers have a life.

Hungry Pelicans
Corpus Christi (February 2016)


  1. Sounds like a wonderful week for you. Good progress and pelicans - how can that go wrong?! Enjoy your getaway -I'm sure the clutter will be waiting when you get home! =D

  2. Lovely bird sightings! Pelicans are always so awesome.


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