Sunday, April 24, 2016

ROW80 Sunday night, seriously

No words of wisdom tonight. Just a reminder that the process of participating in A Round of Words in 80 Days does keep us working toward our goals -- even when we don't always meet them. That process seems comfortable now:

1. Clarify your dreams into specific goals.
2. Make a plan.
3. Commit to exactly what you will do and when you will do it.
4. Assess what worked. 
5. Tweak and continue.

Today, this moment brings opportunity. I used to smile when I worked with a very successful bank officer. He would say, "Seize the moment!" But that precious moment is what we have.

Here's my progress this week (goals will remain pretty much the coming week as Allen's procedure is Thursday). 

Progress by SUNDAY, APRIL 24 (with goals for next week):
Blue = Done. Making progress = Purple. Red = Not yet.

1. DONE: Post daily for April's A to Z blogging Challenge. Commented on 16 blogs this week.
2. Write a minimum of 750 words and/or 4 hours of editing on Rivers of Stone. No progress at all. For the coming week, I may not do any writing at all, but I've accepted this is OK, for I want to finish that blogging challenge. Most of these posts have eaten into my writing time but I keep gaining new insights.
3. Draft a newsletter, read the latest Writers' Digest, and set up a plan for running a promotion. Actually did read 2 articles on marketing. What's next: Start that marketing plan, using Shelley Hitz' 30-Day Marketing Plan. Identify 5 action steps to take.
4. Delete at least 150 e-mails. Deleted 180, but that inbox is still too close to 300, so much more decluttering is needed.
DONE: Reviewed book by indie writer. 
6. Be mindful to keep stress levels down. Continue exercise daily and quilt. Exercised x4 for the week, but cut my thumb badly. Luckily I only use my thumb for the space bar! Quilting: Set up that next applique project; continue to work on the coffee cup comfort quilt. Just not as interested in that applique . . . yet, but making progress on the smaller quilts. NEW: Set up WSQ program format and action list, and send out preliminary e-mails to gather content. NEW: Transfer photos from at least one of two dead computers.

And that's all for this week, folks. I'm more than ready for May! How about you?  

Life's not just for the birds!
Pelicans near Corpus Christi (Camp 2016)

Check out other ROW80 folks HERE. Let's make this a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Some weeks are that way. Sometimes you can only do what is right in front of you and the idea of diverting either to left or right is too much to take on lest you find yourself capsized.

    I'd say there is a LOT of progress here though. It looks a bit sparse because of the layout. But ANYONE who takes on the A-Z challenge and paces through it had done a LOT. Cheers to you, Beth


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