Wednesday, April 5, 2017

ROW80: Wedsnesday maybe?

I always feel a bit rushed by reporting in to ROW80 on Wednesdays, but maybe I just need a slightly different system. 
So, here goes. 

I keep a Daily Work Log to track writing progress, etc. Now, I'm adding a Weekly goals list. Here's this week's schedule and weekly goals list. I post a daily journal entry underneath.
Here, red means I really want to complete this action step.

Meanwhile, I'm still celebrating being ready to send off Rivers of Stone to beta readers and starting on the copyediting (book blurb, cover, ad copy). Wrote about this for IWSG's monthly post on my writing blog HERE.

The other exciting step I'm taking this week (and the rest of this month) is experimenting with online ads. A writing friend will post her FaceBook ad this month and will report her results. I'm running a ten-day 'Key Word Sponsored' ad through Amazon. Stats lag by three days, so we'll see how the overall promotion goes. But as I did research, I discovered Google Express Ads and learned I can target by location -- anywhere in the world! That opens a new promotion for Years of Stone set in Australia, but I want to run only ONE promo at a time so I can see what works.  

My F2F writing group only meets 2x this month instead of weekly. I learn from their wip as well as their comments and the simple process of reading aloud. I'll take the last chapter of ROS next time we meet.

For inspiration? My dear hubby showed me the opening lines of the book he's currently reading. Michael Chabon's Moonglow. He does that when he's truly hooked. Now, so am I, though I'm more likely to read Patricia Cornwell's Blow Fly (on my towering TBR pile).

Another bit of inspiration came this week from Mike Faricy, author of the very gritty Bobby Custer (amoral attorney at large), novels. I wrote him about the books and received a very nice personal e-mail back. So I joined his newsletter. Wow! That first newsletter was so personal and fun that it made me rethink what I write about on my blog AND in my own newsletters. So, inspiration can arrive when least expected.

And that's the news this Weds from the wilds of Spokane. May you have a good week. Check out what other ROW80 writers are doing this week HERE or on FaceBook HERE


  1. I love this, Beth! The "get to" rather than the "have to". The inspiration from unexpected corners, and the new, easier way to check in. I love the clean goals presentation! =)

    1. Thank you, Shan. Checking in for ROW80 is now a little closer to what I do -- and bringing fun into that wrap-around writing that supports the story-writing!

  2. Congrats on getting Rivers of Stone to beta readers. That's such a good feeling. Enjoy your celebration. Yay!

    1. Thank you, Denise. Now I just have to get those final touches done! Have a great week.

  3. Ooh, I like your colour coded chart.
    Funny, Moonglow's also the title of a brilliant historical romance by Kristen Callihan.

    1. Thank you, Deniz. I looked up Kristen Callihan's Moonglow -- and that's the difference between hubby and me. He reads literary fiction and I'm over in genre fiction with the occasional crossover. I'm on the waitlist for the e-book for both!


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