Wednesday, August 16, 2017

ROW80: Back on schedule . . .

You know that sinking feeling when disaster strikes? There I was, computer keyboard humming away, ready to write and revise. I opened up Section 03 of the current revision-in-progress to find five chapters missing. Let's just say blessings for back-ups and double back-ups. In under ten minutes, I was back at work.

So in the spirit of Wednesday, here is where I am with goals for the coming week:

ROW80: Round 3: Week 7

WRITING. Just starting revisions for Section 03 (20 Chapters/30K words). Goal by Sunday: Complete 5 chapters. Reviewing Section 04 (the last one!) in writers' group.

WRITING PROJECTS: Just burned way too many hours putting a proposal together to indie publish an anthology for our local writers' group. I'm figuring 30-40 contributors, 200 pages +/-, with graphics, and publish by mid-November. Proposal approved by board. Next: Call for Submissions form and promo.

MARKETING: Does it count that I handed out 6 bookmarks? I also am in the middle of setting up a presentation for another writing group. Did submit 3 poems to a local library for its anthology.

READING: Have read 8/20 books so far this month. Reviewed Lee Goldberg's The Walk about a somewhat sedentary white collar professional who tries to walk home after a devastating earthquake hits Los Angeles. I really liked the story, its many surprising twists, not the least being how the experience tested his integrity and core values. Of course, we did live in mid-Wilshire for five years -- without a car.

DECLUTTERING INSIDE AND OUT: Oh, was I efficient in this category. Maybe another form of procrastination. My e-mail is slimmed down considerably, I recycled through a foot-high stack of files, and got rid of (donated) a pile of cords and electronic gizmos I will never use. My goal to avoid diabetes has shifted into high gear after a nasty blood sugar test. If anyone is in a similar situation, consider The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet (available at most libraries and online). This book (with its positive tone and very specific steps) is transforming how I think about what I eat. Who could imagine salad for breakfast?

The last few days, temperatures have eased into the 80s, a very short bit of rain cleared out the smoke from nearby forest fires, so all seems possible once again.  Thank you, A Round of Words for 80 Days, for just being inspirational.

Why not check out what other folks are doing on the WEBSITE or on FACEBOOK. And have a great week!


  1. Sorry to hear about the lost chapters, but glad you had them backed up. I had that happen recently, but I'd overwritten my I had to rewrite it. Luckily, it was one scene and I remembered most of it (almost to the letter), but still. I am much more careful when running backups!

    Nice work this week!

    1. Thanks for your note, Erin. I almost did overwrite the older file (4 chapters lost!), but thankfully didn't. But this should only happen once . . . a good reminder to make those backups. :)

  2. It's so awful to lose work. Backups are a wonderful thing. I lost a scene recently and didn't have a backup. Now I have to recreate it. Maybe it'll be better. :)

    Congrats on the progress!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sonia. Maybe when you rewrite that lost scene, you'll find some new ideas as well. Have a great week.


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