Sunday, January 28, 2018

ROW80 #6: Back to basics

This week has been hectic with company and touring (all lovely), but dismal progress with the writing. In fact, I read nothing at this week's writing group here in Merida, though I enjoyed very much what others read.

I want to improve my writing productivity, but I keep working in circles on this Tapestry project, changing characters, setting, and scenes. An article by David Holcomb, "The Short Feedback Loop," in this week's e-mail from StoryFix, talks about the importance of feedback -- even at  the premise stage.  And I'm back to work.

GOALS for the coming week:

1. TAPESTRY PROJECT: Use Randy Ingermanson's SNOWFLAKE process to start over (with a new file) on my Tapestry story and share PREMISE with Thursday's writing group. It's not about rescuing usable parts. It's about finding the story that works for me – and will intrigue my audience.

2. CATCH UP with e-mails and decluttering.

3. Write a POEM this week.

4. Develop writing prompts using 750words that build conflict into that classic 3-stage story structure. Continue to write 750 words a day/4 days a week.

5. Decide whether to rejoin IWW's NOVEL group.

6, Draft IWSG post due February 7 question - What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

So in the last 7 days, we visited 2 Mayan ruins, a stunning natural preserve for thousands of flamingos, and several hours of walking around Merida with out-of-town company. I even cooked 3x (not an easy task as the water is not trustworthy). I did write 4/7 times on with 3 entries over 750 words, but only added a measly 678 words to my Tapestry project. Did read & comment for 6 ROW80 writers. Note: While I always appreciate when others comment on my posts, I don't always respond here. And, I didn't write any poetry, but one is simmering.

I honestly don't know why I'm optimistic about the coming week. Maybe because I have a plan! The company is gone. My morning time of writing has returned! 

Flamingos at Celestun Preserve (January 2018)
Visit our FACEBOOK group or on our WEBSITE to check in with other ROW80 writers!


  1. Glad your optimistic about next week! Having a plan is a great step, Beth.
    Sounds like you had an amazing week sightseeing!

    I've never tried the snowflake method, but I'm curious to find out how it works for you.


  2. A plan is good. :) I have used The Snowflake Method before. It was very helpful. :)

  3. I'm so glad you are optimistic about the coming week. I'm sure it will be a wonderful balance of productivity and relaxation. Just enjoy it!

  4. Good work on the progress. Sounds like you're staying super busy and enjoying it. I thought Randy Ingermanson's advice was really good and fun to follow.

  5. Getting feedback on the premise of your story sounds like a good plan, Beth. Sometimes it can be hard to even sense what direction to focus on (especially when there are so many "shinys" to distract you. Good that you're writing regularly though... sometimes, giving yourself a little idea to focus on helps to direct other stories your have set on the backburner for a while.


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