Sunday, January 18, 2015

ROW80: Getting ready for reality . . .

This week has been scattered because I've been distracted by that BookBub promotion. Watching day-to-day downloads was pretty stressful, a mix of excitement and dread. 

At the end of the first day, just a hair under 30,000 new readers (about the size of a small city) clicked that download button for a free copy of Standing Stones

Standing Stones is available free until midnight tonight, January 18.

So ROW80 progress this week:

1. Reading/writing. Nothing for the last three days. Nada. Zip. Z-E-R-O. But I did go to my F2F writers' group and got excellent feedback and made just a few changes Thurs am.

2. Marketing. Several e-mails sent to different groups to support the BookBub promotion. 

3. Other. Finished three small quilts for our wheelchair quilt project. Babysat. Went to a great basket-making class taught by a friend. Saw The Imitation Game, for me the best movie of the year!

And tomorrow begins again with writing.

See what other ROW80 folks are up to HERE.

"Crane" by Jeff Stemshorn, Tucson

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your promotion for Standing Stones is going so well. I had already purchased it (and read it, too).

    I needed a break this weekend, so I'm not going to chide you for your break. Sometimes, we just need them. :)


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