Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 and Round 1 of ROW80 begins

In a quest to keep my writing reasonably productive and not quite so intimidating, my overall goal for Round 1 of A Round of Words in 80 Days is to simplify.

So my goals for Round 1 (January 5 through March 26):

Writing/Research: Complete revisions on 2-3 sections (out of 5) of Rivers of Stone after complete read-through. Blog 3-4 times each week on writing, travel and ROW80 blog. Read 3 writing craft books and 3 research books related to Canadian history. Plan research trip to Fort Vancouver, Washington, and across Canada, summer 2015. Maybe, just maybe put together another poetry book with photographs.

Community: Read and review 5 indie books. Interview 1 indie author for blog. Meet commitments to ROW80 as sponsor. Participate in NOVELS-L of The Internet Writing Workshop with minimum of 4 crits/2 subs a month. Participate more fully on GoodReads, Twitter, and my Facebook Author Page. Continue active participation in Spokane Authors and face-to-face writing group. 

Marketing: Continue outreach to bookclubs x2, Update websites. Evaluate promotion on BookBub that runs Jan 15-17.  Develop marketing plan that works for me. Send out one e-mail newsletter by January 10. 

Other: Continue decluttering and downsizing all else, keep e-mails under 300, finish at least 3 quilt projects, and cherish each day with family and friends. Here's my office. I can tell when stacks of projects surround me, that it's time to declutter and let go.

This December, I celebrated by 71st year. I've always wanted to write and now, retired, I begin each day with writing. At times I'm intimidated by what lies ahead. I worry I won't have stamina to finish what my heart wants to continue. But I will persevere, share what I learn, and appreciate so much this community of writers and readers I've met.

May 2015 bring you good ideas, time to write, and a quiet place to get those words out!

Please visit and encourage other ROW80 writers as we begin 2015. And thank you, Kait Nolan, for keeping us organized and motivated!


  1. Sounds like you have a reasonable list of goals for the Round. I wonder why so many of us trouble decluttering and keeping our spaces organized? I think it is because our minds are so full that it spills into our physical realm. Best wishes this Round!

    1. Lovely comment, Chris. For me, writing is intuitive and chaotic. Creating order in smaller ways (like sharpening pencils once in a while or beginning the day in the same way, or knocking out 300 e-mails), all this helps me to let go of the conscious when I write. Of course, then comes the editing! When my office is truly disorganized, books, folders piled up; all my commitments blather away. So, I set to work -- clearing away what needs to be done, what is less important. This job of writing is not seasonal, but, for me, it has its own rhythm, unique and steady, a part of my inner life. May this round be good to you.

  2. I never thought de-cluttering would be so benifical until I started it - now I'm onto the clutter sooner, but when researching and writing it does build up around one:( your goals are good and do-able - all the best for coming year

  3. I totally feel you with the "simplify" thing:

    A personal goal I haven’t written anywhere for this year is that I very much want to have our belongings unpacked in the next six months, at which point we will have lived here for a year! Part of that means getting rid of stuff – simplifying and minimalizing – since we downgraded from a 2-story, 3bdrm, 2bath HOUSE into a teeny-tiny 2bdrm, 1bath upstairs apartment. We’ve reached the plateau known as “livable” which means we haven’t been overly motivated to go through any more of the boxes. Bleh.

    I’m attempting 500 words per day, with hopes of completing my WIP by June 30, 2015.

    Good luck! We can do this!

  4. A new year, another round. Don't let this round of ROW80 get you down, kick in the family jewels, rip it off and use it as a medicine bag or a talisman.

    stay sweet and happy writing


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