Sunday, March 13, 2016

ROW80 Sunday night check-in: Not for the birds alone

This afternoon's first real walk at home took me past a nearby wetlands. The red-winged blackbirds are back. I saw a fat robin, a few ducks, and a trio of Canada geese headed south. Gotta love the birds.

Here's my ROW80 check-in with BLUE for steady progress, GREEN for holding my own, and RED for not yet. .

1. Writing. Worked 7/7 days on Rivers of Stone. Finishing Section 04 by the end of this round is looking possible. Maybe. Worked on other writing-for-fun (Granny Vampire) only twice this week.
2. Reading. Reviewed two books this week; not sure what to read next.
3. Marketing. Updated my profile on LibraryThing
. Suddenly sales have picked up for Years of Stone, and I don't know why. Mailed two copies of The Mermaid Quilt out for review. 
4. Community. Still behind in reducing e-mail clutter (holding at 160). Read and commented on 10 posts for the week. 

Signed up for the A-to-Z Challenge. The first challenge is to decide on a theme (due March 21). Usually I wing it day-by-day and write poetry for the month of April just because it's fun. But this year, I'm undecided. Do I write a serial, every day, to develop one of those novellas that keep tickling my imagination? Or do I start a drawing journal? Or work on memoir, tell the story of my grandparents and my mother through poetry and blog posts? If you have an opinion, please chime in . . . I'm so undecided. Argh!

5. Other: Got my sewing machine set up and finished a lap quilt. Baby quilt (hand sewing) slow but steady. Missed Spokane Authors this month (sigh), but did get to meet with my quilting buddies. 
Something new: Went to a Democratic caucus for the first time ever, a real mix of Hilary and Bernie supporters. This orientation prepares us for the BIG caucus later this month. Yep, I'm going. I've been a Democrat since grade school, causing me innumerable 'discussions' with my sister. 

Sometimes one short moment can unexpectedly transform the future. Are we ever prepared? The key question is how do we retain balance? This week I'm grateful for the kindness of friends and family -- F2F and virtual. Make it a good week.

And so we go, nearly to the end of Round 1. Checkout what others have posted for A Round of Words in 80 Days HERE 

Great Blue Heron, Wetlands near Corpus Christi (Feb 2016)

1 comment:

  1. That heron is gorgeous. Those and fat pelicans are two of my favorite shore birds.When they land at the beach the kids like to try to sneak up on them. They really want to touch them. Birds are too fast! I vote on the tales of your parents/grandparents. Family history is so much fun!


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