Sunday, November 26, 2017

ROW80 check-in: Post Thanksgiving

Hope no one succumbed to Black Friday. My Friday was spent quilting with several friends, trading fabrics, and having a blast -- far from words, deadlines, and queues of shoppers. I worked so hard on Thanksgiving, my feet still hurt! Yet I remain thankful for family and friends and every last tiny piece of pie (pumpkin, apple, mincemeat) that tantalized my tastebuds.

I'm thankful for ROW80, that round of words with like-minded writers who persevere with goals and accountability. Thank YOU for keeping up with your own writing yet commenting. This coming week, my goals are simpler yet . . .


1. WRITING: Proof the final paperback for Rivers of Stone by Sunday, 12/2. Begin reading Mothers Don't Die to see if the story stands on its own. Write 1,000 words on Island Wife. Write 4 poems.

2. BLOGGING. Weds and Sun for ROW80. Finish Part 3 on deep revision for writing blog.

3. READING. Start tracking reading again. Goal to read 6 books for December (and review at least 2). Want to read Maids of Misfortune (M. Louisa Locke) and Olivia Mourning (Yael Politis), Just finished Suzanne Ireland's Mermaid in a Fishbowl, a story of an intrepid young woman who teaches at a prison (5 stars). Love the way her characters and understanding of prison life are vividly told.

4. MARKETING. All out media push and setting up readings for Spokane Authors' new Anthology with launch party this Saturday, December 2. In process: sending out review requests for Rivers of Stone. Plan to send newsletter by December 6. Prepping for book signing, December 11. 

5. NEW GOAL: Home-tending (inspired by Shan Jeniah) to work just 2 hours a week on some long-ignored part of our home. This week: focus area = the kitchen.

Now, may we all have a mild and writerly productive winter . . . so far,  no snow here, but those beautiful fall leaves are long gone. Please visit other ROW80 writers on our FACEBOOK group or on our WEBSITE.

And, just one more question: Would YOU like to subscribe to my very occasional e-mailed updates, release discounts, etc? If yes, please click HERE.

Picture shows what I'm already dreaming about -- for January and February: Coffee in historic Old Town, Merida, Mexico.

Old Town, Merida, Mexico


  1. Love your simplified goals. Yay for ROW80. I can't believe how fast the weeks go.

    1. I'm finding the simpler the goals are, the more likely I will make progress! Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I never go out on Black Friday. Even the thought of all those crowds...*SHUDDER* Nice list of goals there. Good luck with them. :)

    1. Even those Black Friday commercials (and clips showing those shoppers) make me shudder. Cyber Monday is not far behind. As for the goals, perseverance. I do have a fantasy of making those cookies with chocolate kisses on top.

  3. As always, you are productive and organized. So very organized!
    I really need to work on marketing and trying different things. I need to get out of the marketing rut I've been in.
    Best wishes on your book promotions! I'm sure it will go great.

    1. Thank you, Chris. Keep in mind that I'm truly more intuitive and just adopt checklists as a way to stay organized. My to-do list was so long that I went through last night marking goals 'red' and 'blue' so I could sort out the priorities. I will be happy when this anthology for Spokane Writers is properly launched. Otherwise, I'm feeling calm and grateful. Almost finished with a comfort quilt. I don't know why marketing takes such courage!


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