Sunday, February 4, 2018

ROW80 #8: Sunday Update

This week I'm feeling pretty euphoric because each small step seems to open up my story, and I found a real title for my current project. The Seventh Tapestry.

Wrote and shared the story concept with two small groups of writers. This took real courage for the paragraph summary is not a book blurb, but a snapshot of the entire story.

My question: Did the concept seem of interest to readers? One writer said, "I'd like to write this one!" Another suggested readers would fall in love with a quirky female lead. The comments generally affirmed the historical context, and, despite my interest in working on a shorter, less complicated story, I'm committed once again to a hairy, multi-layered story that will involve museums, black markets, and a mysterious tapestry, as well as my heroine, an art intern.

Meanwhile, back at the keyboard, here's a summary of progress this week.

WRITING/BLOGGING: Used words 5/7 days. Total words = 3,555 (goal 2,500). Set a meandering 10K draft aside and on Monday, started work on Randy Ingermanson's Snowflake. Completed 1) Storyline, 2) Expanded Story Summary. Working on 3) Character sketches. Had fun setting up the hero as a descendant of the original McDonnell clan. Now at 7,185 words. Wrote Cenote poem & posted on writing blog. Posted updates for ROW80 Weds & Sun and read posts x8. Met with Merida's writers' group.

OTHER: Cleaned up e-mails from high of 280 down to 85. Found useful strategies from research on romantic thriller and romantic suspense in a quest for lots of conflict AND that happy ending. Actually worked on Marketing Plan but won't do anything until we're home in late February.

GOALS for the coming week (keeping it simple while on the road):
  1. Add another 2500 words. Keep working the SNOWFLAKE. Use 750words x5/7 days. Participate in Weds WIPpet's snippet.
  2. Blog 1x Writing blog, 2x ROW80. Read others x8.
  3. Continue decluttering e-mails and researching my story.
  4. Write up some of the travel highlights.
And CURRENTLY READING The Xibalba Murders (Lyn Hamilton, set in the Yucatan) and Danger Incorporated (Olivia James).

Have a great week! Visit our FACEBOOK group or our WEBSITE to check in with other ROW80 writers! Here's the picture of the day:

House of the 7 Dolls at Dzibilchaltun


  1. Wow! What a great week, Beth! You've exceeded your writing goals which is excellent and it sounds like Snowflake is going well.

    Good luck with your goals this week!

    1. Thank you,Jo-Ann, for stopping by. Hope your week goes well also!

  2. Nice work!

    I love the title The Seventh Tapestry. I am so intrigued.

    1. What is it about titles? I played around with several titles about 3 months ago, but they didn't resonate. This one pulls me into the story! Thank you!

  3. So excited to hear about the new concept story. I'm sure it's going to be great. Another one I can't wait to read!
    Have another productive week!

    1. Thank you, Chris. Beginnings are always a little intimidating, for I worry if I can do justice to the story. But, step-by-step, with hope and perseverance, so we writers persevere.

  4. Good job on the goals! Glad the story seems to be coming together for you

  5. I like the first stages of Snowflake - but after that, it mostly loses me. I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with it - it's just not intuitive to me. But if it helps you to get where you're going - hooray!

    I love seeing your travel experiences. The kids and I have decided that more travel will be in our future - something Jim and I wanted to do with them before his illness progressed so rapidly it left no time or energy for that.

    Sounds like you've got a meaty new project, inspiration, and joy. =D

    1. Thank you, Shan. I've used Randy's Snowflake once before, but didn't get very far. For some reason, this time, the process is helping me, though I'm not sure I'll get as far as blocking all the scenes out on Excel. I kind of like the recursive nature of the early steps that create a fluid working document, for much of the story wasn't clear. Re the travel, we sure do go more slowly through each day, and hubby says this may well be our last trip as independent travelers to a foreign country, but we have enjoyed so much of reconnecting to Mexican culture and history and, oh yes, the food!

  6. It sounds like you had some great feedback for your story... Of course, you should only write the book if it's what you want to do.

    Lovely photo!


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