Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Weds ROW80: On Puppies and Progress

Mid-week check-ins are difficult. I feel as if I've barely gotten started on the week, and already, I hold myself accountable. This week is no different. More research than writing, though as I read through layers of articles and try different search terms, surprised at what I'm finding, I laugh: You truly cannot make this stuff up!

My story slowly takes shape, and I have hopes that this pre-writing planning will lead to a story that has more structure, even if I STILL haven't exactly figured out who the villains are, where the 'real' action takes place, and who falls in love for that happy-ever-after ending.

CHECK-IN: Not counting today's writing with 750words, on Mon/Tues, I've written 1,350 out of goal 2,500, and read x4 out of x8 for ROW80 this week. Perseverance furthers!

And I wrote the poem.

"Morning Thoughts Before Writing"

Outside this colonial mansion
the morning traffic begins: Trucks rattle by at speed,
tourists jump out of the way. Pedestrians don't have
the right of way here. Pigeons coo, the sound
competing with those drivers who honk
and bluster their way; two cars barrel together
down this street meant for one. I gloss the headlines,
appalled at the misery that awaits us all.
No time for innocent puppies or
little girls who draw ragged red Valentine hearts.
I am yet thankful for your whispered words
this morning. At least we still have love.

Playful Puppy from ROW80
Happy Valentine's Day wherever you are. Have a great week! Join in and check out what other ROW80 writers are up to, either on the FACEBOOK group or our WEBSITE.


  1. Research is part of your progress for sure! So good job!
    I like the poem's ending, very soothing after all the rattle you describe at the beginning. :)


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