Sunday, May 13, 2018

ROW80 Sunday Update: Happy Mother's Day

Sunday morning early. Quiet time for writing. What more could we want? So here's my update for this week with plans for next week.

WRITING: MINIMUM OF 1 HOUR DAY/5 days week on Seventh Tapestry. √ Wrote 4/7 days. Finally transitioned from planning & organizing to writing, organizing, and researching. Currently using scaffolding to move from scene summaries to telling the story. Section 01 currently at 10K (goal 20K). √ Finished BETA read. NEXT WEEK? Same writing goals + 3 Blog posts. Maybe work a little on family history project. One book to read/review before May 30, but my problem is this self-published book has so many typos, every time I pick it up, I set it down. Any advice?

MARKETING. √ NEWSLETTER publicizing May 26th launch for Rivers of Stone out! Had fun tailoring the newsletter to writers and quilters in the Spokane area. NOTE: If you want to critique my newsletter, please let me know!

√ Ordered business & postcards VistaPrint, after abortive order thru OfficeMax. And, after much agonizing, decided to go 'exclusive' with Amazon, rather than go 'wide' with other platforms. This was not easy, but I just don't think I have the stamina to support setting up, formatting, and marketing other channels, though Smashwords has a very good platform. Your opinion? NEXT WEEK? Flesh out alerts for launch party on FB, e-mail, writing website. Write tourism guy in Canada re Rivers of Stone.

COMMUNITY/OTHER. Writing group is now back on track meeting 2x/month. So helpful to have F2F feedback of wip. √ Posted 2 reviews this month (Cynthia St. Aubin, Private Lies, and GB Williams, Locked In). Feeling somewhat disenchanted about changes in mobility, so didn't do as much connecting with other ROW80 writers and other online writing communities. NEXT WEEK? Improve! Read/comment x6.

Opening the Box for Rivers of Stone (May 9, 2018)
Just trying to create that ongoing balance between work, play, relationships, and commitments to others. Not much quilting to share this week. Missed an entire week of exercise, then walked 30 min (too far). Wishing you all a happy week ahead, warm weather, lots of words, and just maybe an insight or two along the way. Happy ROWing!

Check in either at the website for A Round of Words in 80 Days or on Facebook.


  1. For now I also focus on Amazon, for similar reasons, so I completely understand your decision,
    Congrats on getting so much done !

    1. Thank you, Ruichan. This was NOT an easy decision at all. It's heart-warming to know someone else came to the same place. :)

  2. Sorry that I have no advice for you tonight. Sometimes it all seems so overwhelming. Decisions, decisions, decisions. When I just want to lock myself in my office and write!

    Best wishes with those decisions of yours! And have a great week.

    1. Ah, but doesn't the writing make all else possible? My mantra that has helped these last two weeks (when dealing with too many outside issues) was simply to balance my writing time between actual writing and actual organizing, research, and marketing. The result led to small advances which led to more progress, which led to confidence, which led to a sense of peace. May your coming week go well!


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