Sunday, May 27, 2018

ROW80: Round 2, Week 8 and hotter!

Temperatures in 70s and 80s this week. Lots of distractions. No real progress on anything on my 'to do' list other than . . . hosting a launch party finally for Rivers of Stone!

What really worked this time? Finding the perfect site at our local library, a lovely, large, and adaptable conference room (capacity over 200). Set-up for the two-hour event took under 15 minutes (4 tables and chairs in informal groupings of 3-4, very easy to rearrange as folks arrived). I didn't know how many to expect and hoped for over 10 and was thrilled when 25 people arrived -- and stayed!

I really had fun AND assistance. Darling daughter staffed the sign-in/sales table. I brought artifacts for each of my books -- mermaid sculptures, travel journals, key reference books, and for Rivers of Stone, a neat replica of a woven belt worn by fur traders.

Roughly every 20 minutes, I talked about the background and read a short selection from one of my books (the audience decided which one), and passed around the artifacts related to that book, answering questions. We then held  a drawing (for one of my books [4 different books] or one of two plants -- audience choice). Snacks? Two kinds of cookies. No beverages; no mess. We laughed, chatted, and had an amazingly wonderful time.

Compared to a formal reading at a bookstore, I found holding this kind of a launch party was more personal and more celebratory. I got to interact with all my wonderful friends who came and who are enthusiastic about my stories. What could be better?

What would I do differently? Not sure. I could have and should have taken more pictures. Next time, I'll ask someone to do this. As a frugal indie writer, I worked to keep costs down (about $40 for books, plants, and those cookies). The library conference room was free, and the library received a heartfelt thanks (and a book for their collection).

Announcements were posted in the local newspaper and online. Posters went up in the library and online. I also sent targeted e-mails and handed out printed invitations to different segments of people I knew (writers, swimmers, quilters), and was thrilled when folks from each group showed up.

Would 'bigger' have been 'better'? I don't think so.

Quilting friends Twyla and CJ stopped by

Writing friends Caryl, Kate, Sue, and Dave from Spokane Authors
Now it's back to work as we wind down (by June 20) Round 2 for A Round of Words in 80 Days. Check back on Weds for an update and have a great week of writing and reading! You can go to our BLOG or FACEBOOK page to see what others are doing.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the details, they might come in handybsome day.
    Have a lovely week!


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