Sunday, June 10, 2018

Round 2, Week 10: Sunday Catch Up!

Wish I could report tremendous progress, but some real work got done despite my lapse in checking in with ROW80.

What happened over the last two weeks?

  • Finally finished a major beta read (and learned much in the process).
  • My dear sister visited from Tucson, and I gained 10 pounds.
  • Wrote 400 words on family history and wrote about 800 words on The Seventh Tapestry.
  • Posted my writing blog for Insecure Writer's Support Group on which is easier -- writing a title or naming characters, and read other's posts x6.
  • Attended RWA-Inland NW workshop on how to use FaceBook ads.
  • Posted a review on Annette Drake's moving and cozy read: Return to Celebration House.
  • Started analyzing novels for romantic suspense elements. Found this lovely quote by Brenda Novak. She says there are two types of tension writers seek to create, "the tension found in an escalating romance, and the danger or ‘ticking time bomb’ found between the covers of a good suspense novel.”
  • Celebrated the 6-year-old granddaughter's birthday with sushi -- her request! And drove dear hubby off to hike the 60-mile Centennial Trail that follows the Spokane River. Here's the view at the end of his first day, some 9 miles later.
Near Bowl & Pitcher, Centennial Trail (2018)
So, what didn't get done? Still behind on reviews and with the writing. Maybe it's OK, and maybe I just need my very own retreat. When I skip writing for a few days, the story and the characters seem to fade. So back to reading James Scott Bell, Just Write and beginning each day with writing!

Round 2 is winding down. We'll take a little break on June 20 for A Round of Words in 80 Days, giving us a little time to assess our goals AND our progress.

You can go to the ROW80 BLOG or FACEBOOK page to see what others are doing. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to what you say about the characters seeming to fade when I leave them alone for a couple of days!

    Beta-reading is a time consuming process so congrats on finishing that. No wonder you did not find much time to write!

    Did your granddaughter enjoy the sushi?


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