Sunday, June 17, 2018

Round 2: Week 11: Busy Week, Happy Sunday

I'm trying to avoid ranting today about national politics, which have been a distraction all week. So, the key question for ROW80 writers is: What have we accomplished this last week?

  • Wrote +1,296 on Tapestry. I'm counting any word count over 1,000 as good. Still reading (2 books by Sandra Brown so far, well written and a little dark) and researching what's involved in 'romantic suspense'. One friend suggested she'd write the sex scenes, and then I found RJ Crayton's definition: "page-turning suspense with a touch of romance." So still researching and reading the genre.
  • Preparing for a major ad with BookBub. I ran across articles on the importance of 'back matter,' the need to update the afterword in your e-book with blurbs and links to other books, among other elements. In the process, I learned how to download the latest content for the e-book from Amazon. When I popped over to my writing blog, my book list there had not been updated with my latest book! Making real progress with updating that back matter for all three books and mapped out what I need to do before setting up the ad. Note: it does take real courage to commit to a BookBub ad, since the price has nearly doubled since 3-1/2 years ago, but the mailing list has also doubled. Wish me luck.
  • Evaluating how I set, track, and evaluate goals for ROW80. I suppose this is ongoing, but with the end of Round 2 looming, I really want to focus on how I keep global, monthly, and weekly goals in sync. It's far too easy to set aside, for example, marketing for writing. At least, for me!
  • Prep for mid-July reading at a local bookstore. Totally in flux as the musician bailed, but I'm working on this.
  • Energized by Jill Dearman's ideas about how to jump-start your writing with B-A-N-G. She says:
    • B = Begin with your strongest idea.
    • A = Arrange your material into a concrete form.
    • N = Nurture your project with love, so that others may love it too.
    • G = Complete your project and let it GO out into the world to live independently.
Other: If I tell you we found a walker in excellent condition for $20 at a garage sale, that will let you know the foot is not doing so well. I did swim x3 this week, but since eating comfort food is my main strategy for stress, I'm gaining weight. Big goal for the coming week and more (once the ice cream is gone): Strategize a way to lose 5 pounds by the end of July. 
PS: We also found this gorgeous oriental lamp that reminds me beautiful objects can bring harmony. Setting clear and accountable goals creates structure. And then, there's that old butt in chair. 

Have a Happy Sunday and a very good week. Check out what other ROW80 writers are doing on the ROW80 BLOG or FACEBOOK page. See you there! 


  1. Good job on the writing. Sorry for the trouble with the foot.

    1. Thank you, Fallon, for your good thoughts. Just a reminder that good health might not always be as reliable as tenacity!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that your foot's not doing so well. There will always be setbacks, I suppose, just like with the musician bailing on your book reading. Just keep moving forward, as you always do.

    Have a good and productive week.

    1. Thank you, Chris. The good news is that the host of the reading program has already found 3 possible musicians, so it will be a night of music, poetry, and maybe a little fiction mid-July. And now at 75, I guess I might expect some physical challenges! My hubby says, "I want to live forever, and so far, so good." That's not exactly my goal, but the lesson remains, dear friend, cherish each day.


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