Sunday, June 28, 2015

ROW80: Last post for Round Two

Round 2 for ROW80 has come to an end. A few goals were accomplished:

  • Finished first edit for Mothers Don't Die (65,000 words) and recruited 2 beta readers.
  • Found a narrator for the audio book for Standing Stones through ACX. Now waiting for first 'draft' of recording.
  • Tabled Rivers of Stone (this was a hard decision, but July and August = research trip to support this project). 
  • Wrote a poem a day (April's A-to-Z Blogging Challenge) on my writing blog
  • Experimented with a second promo (discount) for Standing Stones through EReadeerNewsToday.
  • Participated in ROW80 as sponsor and made goal of reading x5 each week. Didn't always post my check-in on time, though.
  • Surprisingly made a start on the memoir project (and taught a workshop).
What I didn't complete makes a longer list. Is it useful to say what I didn't do? I agree with Denise Young that when our writing routine gets knocked to pieces, for whatever reason, we can struggle to return, measuring success sometimes in very little achievements. 

Should I even sign up for Round 3 that begins July 6? We'll be on the road for 6 weeks in Canada (hopefully cooler than the 104 posted today), but I already know that setting goals in the categories of WRITING, COMMUNITY, MARKETING, CRAFT, and OTHER (exercise, quilting), will keep me focused.

And I want those goals in front of me -- that commitment to writing keeps me focused and able to support others.  I'm in. 

How about you?

Detail from fountain, Edinburgh (Camp 2009)


  1. Sounds like you had a busy last 80 days, Beth! But it does seem you achieved a lot, too, and I love your perspective on the routine getting knocked off track. Any achievement, as small as it may be, is still huge. Bravo!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

    1. Thank you, Guilie, as always for your words of encouragement. And so we go, day by day, sometimes slower, but the process of setting goals itself creates momentum.

  2. I'm glad my post struck a chord with you, Beth. I'm still working on finding better ways to make my routine more resilient, so it's easier to pick up where I left off if I have a hiatus for some reason.

    You accomplished a lot this round. Enjoy your travels, and hope to see you next round!

    1. Thank you, Denise. Despite the fact I will be haphazardly posting during those six weeks of travel, setting goals for Round 3 still gives me focus. So I will be checking in when I can . . . and visiting your blog as well. Make it a good round 3.


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