Wednesday, June 17, 2015

ROW80 Weds check-in: Not writing, not yet

My friend's husband, a dear man far too young, died on Saturday.

Tomorrow we go to the funeral parlour and confront the realities of death certificates, cremations, and necessary practicalities. So I'm editing a bit, but not writing just now. Will return when I can and wish you all well in your own writing goals, achievements, and endeavors.

 How does nature nurture us through every day with beauty that somehow is new and renewing?

Visit other ROW80 writers, jump right in and voice your words of encouragement. We persevere!


  1. So sorry to hear about the loss of a friend, Beth. It's especially hard when someone passes unexpectedly or young. You're right to take some time off from writing and focus on your friend.

  2. Sorry to hear about your friend, Beth! Death is never easy. Take each day one step at a time and remember you are loved!! ~hugs~


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