What a marriage. Pacemaker, an online-tracking of goals, and A Round of Words in 80 Days, an online community of writers who set goals, work mightily to reach them -- and yet recognize that 'real life' may intercede.
My goals for Round 03 (July 23-September 22):
WRITING: Work prodigiously on writing/revising Rivers of Stone to final, edited version for a minimum of 1,000 words a day. I hope to not be distracted by other writing projects which do keep popping out of my file cabinet. Tracking? Pacemaker and Camp Nanowrimo.
READING: Read and review at least two books per month. Finish reading Orson Scott Card's Characters & Viewpoint. Stay current with e-mail, keeping the clutter under 200 in my inbox.
BLOGGING: Once a week on my writing blog, and (this is a great waffle), 1-2 times a week for ROW80.
MARKETING: Carry out 2-3 marketing action steps each week. Continue marketing for DH's book, Reaching. He speaks to a veteran's breakfast next week!
OTHER: Continue volunteer work for Spokane Authors, my Cascades quilting group (Because We Care), Washington State Quilters, and exercise a minimum of 3x a week.
Should it be a goal to continue to seek balance each day, time to nurture self and others? I think so. Each decade brings challenges, some quite unexpected -- even if changes in health and stamina in those we love (and ourselves) are inevitable.
And so the next round of ROW80 begins! Check out what others have written HERE.
My Sister's Backyard, Tucson (Jeffrey Stemshorn) |
Those are great goals. I haven't looked into Pacemaker yet. New tech scares me.