Wednesday, July 11, 2018

ROW80: Weds check-in with a snippet

Summer has arrived here with 90F plus predicted for the next two weeks. I'm feeling lucky my writing routine is early in the morning. Our patio gets just a little morning sun, so my one potted plant is still flowering.

Yesterday, I drove DH to his last section of the Centennial Trail, an easy walk of some 4 miles. Just as he was ready to hit the trail, we realized I left my phone at home, making coordination for pick-up nearly impossible. So I drove the 30 minutes home and then back again, recognizing again how quickly we rely on new technology. All ended well. Now, he's looking at new trails to hike. The hardest part is not going with him.

Here's my update for Weds, Week 1, #2:
  1. WRITING: Continue studying the craft of writing and drafting The Seventh Tapestry. Goal 1,000 words/week. Progress: 720 words so far. Still working on my romantic suspense tale, inspired by "Where's the chocolate in your story?" (a writing prompt that led me to focus on taste -- and writing with more attention to the five senses).
  2. RESEARCH: Continue digging into research that supports The Seventh Tapestry. Progress: Specific goal: Read 2 chapters in Houpt's Museum of the Missing. Read one chapter, but information a little too general, sometimes the tone is snarky (class-based), and yet, I'm finding useful nuggets. Not started: Build map of building and images of key collections. What's next? workshop on world building on Saturday.
  3. MARKETING: Refine overall plan; carry out 2 activities/week. Progress: Updated 'back matter' for all my books. In process of uploading/converting from CreateSpace to Amazon (not an easy process). Local library added two more of my books. Now have 2 book club visits pending. Prepping for reading this coming week. 
  4. BLOGGING: Post minimum of 2 posts each week. Progress: Posted x1.
  5. COMMUNITY: Improve outreach through active participation in social media, online and F2F writing groups x5 activities/events each week. Need to clarify action steps more precisely for this category. Read other blogs x8. Progress: Not as much as I'd like. I did read other blogs x4. That's it.
  6. HOME-TENDING: Support healthy diet, exercise, and my family, keeping a balance between work/play. Progress: Swam x2 this week so far. Birthday party today (goal: small piece of cake). Quilting scraps organized. Books all donated. Did organize notes on Panama trip. Next: Organize notes for last spring's Merida trip. 
Too hot for much else. Question of the day: Which of the five senses do you tend to use most? Why? What does your current story need more of?

And for Weds WIPpet, thanks to facilitator Emily Wrayburn, here are 7 sentences for the month of July -- and one to grow on: 

     The first time Sandra held the Narwhal Cup, she almost dropped it. Mrs. Campbell had unwrapped it from packing materials and placed it on the large oak table in her drawing room. Sandra slipped on her gloves and held it with both hands. 
     The outer face of the carefully carved bone cup was covered with sea-unicorns floating on an ocean of stylized waves. Inside, the cup was lined with bone of a slightly different color. Sandra wasn’t sure how she could authenticate the cup without taking a small scraping. She couldn't help but remember all the stories about how such a cup was supposed to prevent poisoning – except for the Duc du Lac, the Monseigneur Claussier, and how many others? 
     That's when the cup wobbled and threatened to fall right out of her grasp. 

Have a great week ahead. Why not check in to see what other ROW80 writers are up to on our BLOG or FACEBOOK page!


  1. Love that snippet. We've all had that moment where we almost drop something valuable, and I suspect the object Sandra holds is of far more value than anything I've ever held! Hmm...

    I tend to rely on scent a lot. Not sure why. Perhaps it's because smell, more than any other sense, has the power to transport us to another time and another place. I need to bring in touch more, I think. Thanks for the food for thought! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Denise. I'm trying to up my use of the five senses as I tend to use sight primarily. Your comment about scent seems right on. Have you ever smelled something that triggered a memory? I saw a little video clip of Margaret Atwood recently. She said, "Never write something that is not true," and suggested all her stories are based on fact. Perhaps that extends to the five senses as well. Have a good week.

  2. We've ha that heat here the last couple weeks, though it's cooled off now. I wouldn't mind if it stayed away. Glad the writing is going well.

  3. Yes, it's been hot here too. It cooled last week, but this weekend the temps are soaring again. And, narwhal... one of many a schyster's get-rich-quick schemes during the time period. But regardless, don't drop it!


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