Sunday, July 22, 2018

ROW80 Week 3: Sunday and Happy I Made It This Far

Same goals for the coming week. Here's my progress:

Updates for ROW80 Sunday, Week 3:
--Writing: Wrote 5 out of 7 days. Met goal of +1,000 new words this week (1,430 this week + deletes). Working that outline for Tapestry, Section 01, consistency, missing scenes, overall story-telling.
--Met goal for research (museum collections, storage, strategic planning, and some on police in Edinburgh). 
--Marketing: If events count, I did participate in a wonderful reading, Poetry Rising, this week. Friends came from near and far. Music and poetry.
--Community:  Have read x6 other writer's blogs. Would like to do better next week.
--Family: Staying afloat with babysitting immersion this week and next.
--Exercise. Not this week. I'm counting running after the 3-year-old and the 6-year-old as exercise! Making some progress on latest comfort quilt, and, for fun and to learn this genre, reading Suzanne Ferrell's, Kidnapped (romantic suspense).

Overall assessment: Taking care of little ones can be challenging for the older than average folks, but we had fun taking them 'swimming' in the 'lazy river' at our local pool with life vests. 

Most interesting writing-related accomplishment? I drew a map of that imaginary Museum in Edinburgh my heroine now works at. This was fun and based somewhat on the old Barnes Museum in Philadelphia before it was moved to a very fancy and starkly modern building downtown.

Only 2 more rows to go for a total of 5 rows!!
I'll post the final . . . maybe next week?
Now A Round of Words for 80 Days encourages writers to set goals and check in with progress every Weds and Sunday. This keeps me accountable to myself AND connected to other writers who care about writing. Thank you, Eden Mabee and Shan Jeniah Burton, for keeping us all motivated and posting! Why  not join in? Check in to see what other ROW80 writers are up to on our BLOG or FACEBOOK page. May your own writing go well.

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