Wednesday, August 10, 2016

ROW80 check-in: For the birds

Wish I were better organized. Spent most of this week since Sunday putting out fires. So here's my very short update.

Writing: Switched from micro editing (something I get pulled into whenever I'm working over my wip) to outlining by section after reading a wonderful article that distinguishes between "reading to assess" and "reading to edit". I can't analyze the story if I'm mired in details, so this read through is truly to find missing chunks and to see if the story adheres. 

While my inbox fills up far too fast, this article by Rebecca Heyman Faith, "Editorial Assessments: Finding Music in the Noise." at was exactly what I needed. PROGRESS since Sunday? 4 hours on revision.

Blogging/Other writing: Posted 2x, no progress on any other articles (several ideas swimming around). One review posted of Kait Nolan's sweet Southern romance, To Get Me To You (currently free). Finished flier (and hopefully the coordinating) for Spokane Authors' table at an Artisan's Market this weekend (18 folks participating). PROGRESS since Sunday: Steady, pretty good.

Other marketing: No progress.

But my bear quilt is taking shape, we're walking every day, and planning a trip south to Lake Chelan before the end of September. I took this wonderful picture of a few birds who visited just for a day or two in someone's front yard. We kept birds like these for so long in our back yard that they turned white and their legs fell off, so they became winter swans. Ah, distractions.

May your writing go well. Visit other ROW80 writers HERE.


  1. Love your memory about your own 'swans' in the backyard. Maybe there is a short story waiting to be written there.

    1. Thank you, Chris. Good memories there. The year our daughter got married, we put party hats on our backyard flamingos!

  2. Love the lawn-swans... Though I never had any myself (have to say, flamingos just don't "feel" right for these NYS winters), I love the way this owner created a flock of them...

    And a BIG thank you for the link for the edits and how to use them. A super-big thank you!

    1. Thank you, Eden. That article turned around how I'm revising right now. Key life-saving point was why micro-edit something when it's going to be deleted!

  3. Ah, the putting our of fires. >.< I call that "pick your procrastination" because no matter what I do, there's something else that also needs doing.

    May I please have a link to that editing article? It sounds useful. Or is that the Finding Music link?

    LOL! Love the picture of all the flamingos and the story that goes with it. So cute.

    1. Hello, Regi, Just click on the Finding Music link and it will take you right to the article OR you could search for author and title Rebecca Heyman Faith, "Editorial Assessments: Finding Music in the Noise. The 'real' link is just in case you prefer that! Have a great week!


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